Upcoming Annual Budget Meeting

Our next budget meeting will be held on Tuesday November 1 at 7pm via Zoom. Please check your email for a link to the meeting. Jesse Crandall, President, will preside over this meeting following Robert’s Rules of Order.

On the agenda will be a final review of the Treasurer’s report along with the approval of the 2023 budget, followed by the announcement of the 2023 assessment. Also, the new Renter’s Guidelines as formed by a committee will be announced.

Please note our assessment payments for the following year will be due by December 31st.

Heather Perry

In all of my work, I seek the moments when ordinary people are at their most extraordinary, their most special, and most purely themselves. We can all relate to these average moments of magic and grace, of apartness and connectedness.


2023 Budget Approved


Upcoming Annual Meeting